Index of FRC 6506 docs
Welcome to frc6506/docs
Hello, and welcome to the general documentation site for the Steelboot programming team! This is index contains some links that may be useful.
Basic Java
Start here if you are new to Java!
WPILIB New to Programming Resources
REMINDER: Look at the Java portion of the website.
Ms. Trayford’s lectures from her class may also be useful.
Some Online Java Tutorials
CodeHS is also useful if you were in APCSA.
University of Helsinki MOOC (Massively Open Online Course)
Text Tutorial Set 1 (from Wikiversity):
Alternate Text Tutorial (from Wikiversity):
Books (from Wikiversity):
Videos (from Wikiversity):
- TheNewBoston - Java Programming Tutorials (Video)
- Derek Banas/ (NewThinkTank?) - Java Video Tutorial
2021-22 Basic Java I Presentation
2021-22 Basic Java I Repository Template
2021-22 Basic Java I GitHub Classroom Assignment Invite 2021 Basic Java II - Coming soon
2021-22 Basic Java II Presentation
2021-22 Basic Java Cheat Sheet / Reference For PDF version, see release assets
These may not be supported.
Introduction to git
and GitHub
This section includes information about GitHub
- Signing up for GitHub
- GitHub Desktop setup
- JDK and VSCode setup - For basic Javas
- Workflow Explanation
The presentation covers most of the stuff here, but are slightly out of date.
Official GitHub Classroom Introduction to git Git & GitHub Fundamentals by GitHub Classroom Template Official Repository 2021-22 Git & GitHub Fundamentals by GitHub Classroom Template (Private to frc6506) 2021-22 Git & GitHub Fundamentals by GitHub Classroom Assignment Invite
Git and GitHub Introduction) on MDN (Mozilla Developer)
Introduction to FRC Coding in Java
Additional tutorials Coming Soon!
FRC Coding Resources
Assorted WPLib-j and FRC programming resources.
General Resources
Tomb of secrets - PDF - Legacy
WPILib-j JavaDoc/ API Reference
Command Based Resources
FRC & WPILib Software Downloads
- The FRC Game tools includes the Driver Station software (control robot) and the RoboRIO Imaging Tool (Update / flash NI RoboRIO)
- The Radio Configuration Utility is used to update / flash the radio and reset it for non-competition use.
- The WPILib Installer install FRC VSCode.
Explanation about Third Party (Vendor) Libraries
Note that the following libraries should be included with WPILib, but here are their online install URLs.
WPILib old command library online vendor file URL:
WPILib new command library online vendor file URL:
Third party / Vendor Libraries, firmware, and examples
Explanation about Third Party (Vendor) Libraries
CTRE / Phoenix (Phoenix, TalonSRX, VictorSPX)
CTRE Phoenix Framework Installer Releases
CTRE Phoenix library online vendor file URL:
Rev Robotics (Spark MAX, 2020-21 Color Sensor)
“Beginning with 2022, The SPARK MAX API and the Color Sensor V3 API have been merged into a unified library called REVLib.” –
REVLib online vendor file URL:
Legacy/ Deprecated Rev Libraries, firmware, and examples
“Beginning with 2022, The SPARK MAX API and the Color Sensor V3 API have been merged into a unified library called REVLib.” –
SparkMax - Java Documentation - API reference - PDF - (Legacy)
Rev Robotics Color Sensor v3 Examples
Kauai Labs (NavX-MXP)
NavX-MXP Library Direct Download Link
NavX-MXP Library Downloads Page
NavX online vendor file URL (2021 / v 4.0428):
Note: It appears the URL format is<year>/navx_frc.json
. At the time of writing the possible 2022 file shows the version number as “4.0.442”.
Other Resources
WRRF Winter Workshops 2019/2020 Resources
Citrus Circuits Fall Workshops Archive
2020 Capital City Classic Virtual Workshops
Introduction to Onshape Slides
Nickin’s (former team member) FRC videos playlist
Other GitHub Resources
Advanced Coding, WPILib, Concepts
(Deprecated) Breaker Bots (FRC #5104) - PID Presentation
Vision Processing
Advanced Introduction to Vision Processing- Important Concepts, Manual Programming, Calculus
Limelight Docs - PDF (Not sure if official)
Limelight Docs - PDF - Release 1.0 - 2019
Limelight Getting Started Guide
Deep Blue Training - Introduction to Limelight
2021 Basic Robot Systems / Parts / Mechanisms Presentation
FRC Control System General Layout Diagram
USB Cable Identification Chart
How to contribute and Information about GitHub pages
GitHub Setup (Admin)
Updated 20220108T1615 PDT